Free Online (In)Formation – Safety standards

To promote quality of life, we develop playground solutions for all, in open access areas of cities.

We work side by side with planners and managing entities in the design, installation, and maintenance of these spaces.

We know the challenges that everyone faces in their decisions, the diversity of valuations and perceptions of risk in security management, and many of the doubts that these issues raise. We thus understand how important it is to have grounds, technical and artistic criteria aware, for each decision. We verified that the European norms and the national legislation about these themes are still seen as limiting the project’s creativity, and are not always used as tools that give us confidence and support in the decisions.

It is a privilege to have the opportunity to debate these topics at a Corkeen Talks Europe with speakers of international reference – Helena Menezes and Harry Harbottle. It will also be a unique opportunity to share experiences and understand how other participants face the same challenges at a European level.

The European standards, which will be under debate, are especially relevant in the national panorama, namely through DL 203/2015, which publishes the Regulation on the Safety of Play and Recreational Spaces and establishes the obligations of the Responsible Entities in terms of design, installation, inspection, and maintenance of these spaces. This regulation systematically refers to the applicable standards about technical detail for safety procedures and requirements.

We recommend that you secure your place in this free online (in)formation session now!

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