CM Santo Tirso, 2017
Urban Park Sara Moreira.
In an area of the Park especially dedicated to sports, local experts and GASPAR’s consultants have made a selection of new generation equipment that will continue to change the paradigm of utilization and increase the beneficiary population. Equipment that stands out from the national scene for its quality of materials and manufacturing.
Interesting Facts – The equipment is supported by a computer application. This allows you to schedule your workouts, control your nutrition and monitor the evolution of your physical capacity. It also helps the user find the nearest outdoor gyms, and identify the exercises needed to continue their training program.
We act to continue to be the company of reference
in improving the quality of life in cities. With this project we will:
Promotion of air quality.
Stimulate mobility efficiency.
Promotion of social inclusion and accessibility.
Stimulating Play and Recreation activities - developing cognitive, physical, social, and emotional skills.
Promoting happiness, communal and individual, in an urban environment.
This project contributes to the following goals
of the UN Sustainable Development Goals:
We believe we should be agents of reflection and definition of the future of cities, offering the best solutions for each project.